The father of adaptogens is the physiological pharmacologist, Dr. Israel I. Brekhman. Adaptogens and sports were relevant during the Olympics Games and a treasured secret by the Soviets.
Dr. Israel I. Brekhman. worked at the Far East Science Center of the USSR in Vladivostok as head of its Department of Physiology and Pharmacology of Adaptation
The chief nutritional advisor to the Russian Olympic teams, Dr. Sergey Portugalov, and member of the World Anti-Doping Conference said in 1994: "Sports have always been a major priority in Russia . . . and for the past ten years, we have primarily focused on achieving results without using drugs.
Our greatest competitive advantage has come from performance supplements derived from natural plant materials. The nutritional support provided by these supplements helped, our athletes achieve better performance, stamina, endurance, strength, recovery, immune resistance, muscle development, and adaptation to changes in climate, time zones and altitude.
One of the most important biological aspects of adaptogens and sports is the successful application for Athletes who are exposed to high levels of physical and nervous system stress"
Adaptogens are a special group of plants that help balance, restore, and protect the body. Adaptogens help you respond to stressors and normalize your physical functions. In other words they increase your tolerance to stress both physical and mental.